How values can be created based on the transition to a sustainable world is perhaps the single most important question that leading knowledge-intensive regions can ask themselves in the pursuit of sustainable growth. A collaborative approach based on learning and joint efforts between academia, business and society is crucial when we tackle today's and tomorrow's societal challenges. Those who attract, develop and retain talent and innovative activities are strongly equipped in the transition to a sustainable world.
The Uppsala region possesses several of the strengths that many places around the world dream of. Internationally leading academic institutions, advanced production industry, knowledge-intensive industries, rich cultural life, budding entrepreneurship, highly educated population, high proportion of young people in the population, a green and sustainable region, good communications within the city and region, and proximity to Arlanda and Stockholm.
Thanks to a close collaboration between the region's academia, business and public organizations, Uppsala is strong in a number of areas. At the same time, the region's emergence means that new districts are emerging and the cityscape is changing, at the same time as changing habits and travel patterns in the aftermath of the pandemic mean that new challenges and opportunities arise. Sustainable societal development needs to go hand in hand with the academy, business and society's need to create an attractive Uppsala region.
STUNS strategiska inriktningar 2022–2025
STUNS will contribute to strengthening Uppsala, Uppsala County and the metropolitan region as a leading node for knowledge-intensive industries and talent attraction. This is based on a broad collaboration assignment. The foundation's purpose is to develop cooperation between universities, business and society, based on the education, research and development conducted at Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
The emergence of an innovation system in Uppsala and the higher education institutions' increased capacity to support collaboration means that STUNS's role has gradually changed, where the foundation today has a unique position as a regional collaboration body. Through its role as a cohesive link and facilitator in the innovation ecosystem, STUNS will contribute to strengthening its founders and the Uppsala region.
Med samverkansuppdraget som bakgrund, och med utgångspunkt i Uppsala läns regionala utvecklingsstrategi samt Agenda 2030-strategin, har STUNS och dess stiftare identifierat fyra stiftelseövergripande strategiska inriktningar för 2022–2025. Samtliga inriktningar ska medverka till en hållbar omställning i samklang med regional, kunskapsbaserad tillväxt, där STUNS ska agera strategiskt samverkansnav och stödfunktion för stiftarna:
- Attractiveness & story
- Skills supply & talent development
- Needs owners & innovative entrepreneurship
- Places, test beds & infrastructure