Meeting Place & Discussion Forum
Uppsala ENERGY
En strategisk mötesplats för att stärka samverkan i Uppsala
Uppsala ENERGY
Ett event som STUNS anordnar för att möjliggöra samverkan mellan akademi, näringsliv och offentliga organisationer. Eventet hålls i Rikssalen på Uppsala Slott den 21 mars. Inbjudna är talare i 3 olika spännande paneler.
Uppsala Life
A meeting place to strengthen and develop Uppsala as a hub for Life science.
Uppsala Life
At the conference 'Uppsala Life', actors within the life science sector gather to discuss common strategic opportunities, needs and challenges. The conferece gathers 300 participants from academia, business and society - regionally, nationally and internationally. STUNS organizes the conference.
Innovation Hub Uppsala
Co-location of innovation support organizations.
Innovation Hub Uppsala
Gathering parts of Uppsala’s innovation support system under one roof is a way to facilitate Uppsala's entrepreneurs' navigation through the support system. STUNS is the initiator to and landlord for Innovation Hub Uppsala:
Co-creation & System Perspective
Testa Center
A test bed for production of new biological drugs.
Testa Center
At Testa center, start-ups, companies, students and researchers can test and collaborate on manufacturing of new biopharmaceutical products. STUNS is involved in the development of the center, for instance by being responsible for external processes such as inflow and validation of project ideas.
Finding tomorrow's sustainable solutions during your studies.
I Stories (Energy stories, Sustainable stories och Life science stories) genomförs varje år 100–150 universitetsstudenter projekt hos företag och organisationer i Uppsalaregionen, detta till en volym av 40 000 timmar eller 22 personår. Studenternas nytänkande och driv gör att många av projekten lever vidare även efter Stories, antingen som nya interna tjänster/produkter eller nya bolag. Som ägare av konceptet agerar STUNS brygga mellan universitet och näringsliv.
Viable Cities
Innovative, sustainable and future-proof cities.
Viable Cities
Uppsala aims to be fossil-free by 2030 and climate-positive by 2050; goals that require both collaboration and innovative solutions. To be able to reach these goals, the Viable Cities project forms an action plan for a fossil-free welfare society by 2030. STUNS is responsible for developing the project's interdisciplinary innovation team.
Outlook & Insight
International Outlook
Establishing and developing strategic partnerships.
International Outlook
By bringing together Uppsala's key players at incoming and outgoing visits, strategic alliances can be formed and developed. STUNS participates in the planning and realisation of incoming and outgoing innovation high-level visits.
International Attractiveness
Uppsala as a knowledge-intensive node.
International Attractiveness
Putting Uppsala on the map is of strategic importance. Creating and developing Uppsala's identity is done in several ways; from building an innovation brand platform to representing Uppsala's innovation system in various forums. STUNS is the initiator of activities that intend to strengthen the region's position as a knowledge-intensive node.
Analysis and Impact
Evidence-based analysis for regional knowledge-intensive growth.
Analysis and Impact
Conducting knowledge-based and forward-looking analysis is important for a region's growth. STUNS identifies gaps and opportunities, conducts international benchmarking studies, and analyzes the needs of knowledge-intensive industries - all with the aim of providing recommendations for strengthened regional competitiveness.